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Paul Edwards

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The phrase “once in a blue moon” describes an event that occurs despite overwhelming, near impossible odds against it.  In the gross absurdities termed democracies of The Empire and its Euro punks and whores, no person can run for office who has not sworn abject fealty to the shibboleths of the ruling duopoly.

Our party system is as rigid as the parliamentary pigpen of the Brits.  If you wish to make your fortune in government, you will jolly well mouth the mantras and frogmarch in lockstep with the Capitalist tyranny that owns the place or you will not be there.

The obscene geriatric sandbox of our hillbilly Congress and the manky club of toffs and twits that serves The City in England, are examples of the utter fraud of electoral politics in which, as any sentient being knows, the great masses are not represented at all and the whole infantile game is rigged for the Capitalist criminals who own those grifting whorehouses.  Governments that do not defend and advance the well-being of their working people have no mandate and should be overthrown and terminated.

The English Establishment’s political charade is, if possible, even more loopy and constipated than American Capitalism’s petting zoo, so it came as a complete shock that a smart, tough, fearless man has won election to it.  George Galloway ranks with the very rare men of unflinching integrity that humanity, in accelerated meltdown, can claim anywhere.  He has made a career for many decades, in spite of all that money and power could do, of fierce, unintimidated, blistering criticism of every sick, evil hustle and vicious ripoff with which the Tory and Labour duopoly have raped the English people.

The dirty cowards ran him out of Parliament some years back with their money, the way Dennis Kucinich was evicted by phony, sold-out Democrats, for being honest.  So he started a talk show, highly successful because it was fearless, that has badgered and bedeviled that asinine clown cluster to which he will now return, bringing his big guns to bear on the pimps and bawds who fear him most.

"England, to its royal chagrin, let Galloway slip in a back door and now they’ve got to deal with him.  Unlike poor Jeremy Corbyn, who was vilified and brutalized by the deceit of the Establishment, George won’t turn the other cheek and meekly kowtow..."

They set their media sluts and junkyard dogs on him already and invaded his victory celebration where he dismantled a couple of tv bottom feeders in interviews the BBC can’t cut and has to eat.  The latest sham issue among supine, whining MPs, is the terrible danger they face from regular British people, who find the hideous massacre of Gazan people by Zionist Nazi Israel to be, well, a hideous massacre, of genocidal intent.  This, while their rulers fully endorse the grisly military murder of a whole people.

He opened his victory victory speech with the words, “Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza”.  And certainly his landslide win is, in part, attributable to his open, courageous stance against Israeli military butchery, but it’s not the whole story.  Many English know Galloway comes out of, and is one of the few inheritors and defenders of, the tradition of politically doing all for the people.  It is a tradition that runs back hundreds of years, whose leaders have been responsible for every gain and advance of the well-being of the English in their history.  This kind of courageous and principled advocacy for ordinary, working men and women has been fought, tooth and nail, with unrelenting ferocity, by Feudal, and then Capitalist, malefactors of great wealth, including those now in power—the shameless pimps Rushi Sunak, Keir Starmer, and their united, on-the-take parties of plunder and larceny.

We, in The Empire, have had a very few of our own warriors for the people, though there are none now, and have not been for ages as our system, as Robinson Jeffers put it, settled “in the mode of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire”.  There was Bryan, Debs, and Norman Thomas, names unknown to ignorant Americans or long forgotten; Sinclair and La Follette, and later King, and RFK, and Wellstone.  They are gone in history, for vicious, anti-social Capitalism has so crushed the life out of the American spirit and replaced it with fear, anxiety and desperation for money as the only security, that the idea of producing a real man like George Galloway, who would, and will, give his all in the fight for reason, sanity, and human decency, is beyond fantastic.

Besides a chiseling, senile sap and War Machine whore President, and his shifty, sleazy, flashing con man opponent who will be our next Chief Embarrassment, we have a whole Congress of Sunaks and Starmers.  There is no trace of principle or integrity among either gang of closet criminals who inhabit our governing asylum.  A man or woman of actual integrity would never be considered, much less allowed, to run for office under this system of tyranny that despises and forbids the championing the people.

England, to its royal chagrin, let Galloway slip in a back door and now they’ve got to deal with him.  Unlike poor Jeremy Corbyn, who was vilified and brutalized by the deceit of the Establishment, George won’t turn the other cheek and meekly kowtow.

Corbyn, of the same breed, dedicated wholly to the people, was attacked, vilified, and smeared, with bald, vicious lies by The Capitalist Establishment.  After resuscitating moribund Labour with the English and a lifetime devoted to truth and justice, Zionist Jews who own the English government—as they do ours—mounted a despicable campaign to destroy him as an “anti-Semite”.  Crucified, he was demoted by the Labour Party whose very existence he had saved from its moral disintegration under Blair & Co.

Galloway’s different, a street fighter, a bare knuckle artist, and if you take him on, put in your mouthpiece and bar steel in your gloves.  And then you’ll lose.  It’a going to be a show.

As an American, I feel elation at his win, but also a deep and distressing melancholy.  Because I can’t forget that there was a time when an American could say he was in it for the people and mean it, and even, occasionally, be elected to try.  Never mind, children.  I know you can’t believe me.  How could you?


Godspeed, dear George. We'll be with you all the way.


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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Paul Edwards

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Cartoons are pictures that ludicrously exaggerate and distort the unique characteristics of a subject.  This distortion distinguishes them from portraits or precision images and gives them impact.  The American Public is now exposed to three cartoons of critical importance, likely to have a powerful effect on the hive mind.

The caricatures are of three men whose lives are, in one way or another, of great, indeed, of so obsessively great, importance to The Empire that if feels it imperative to control absolutely what you think of or about these men.  This is odd, because two of the men are dead, and one might suppose their need to make you understand them properly would be less important than when they were living, but that’s not how it works in The Empire.  The three are Alexei Navalny, Gonzalo Lira, and Julian Assange.

Navalny, deceased some days ago, is being celebrated with a tsunami of hagiography only equaled in The Empire by eulogies accorded assassinated Presidents.  The aura of holiness in which he is bathed by imperial media is simply impermeable.  The reason for his canonization and ascension into the heavens of propaganda, is that he was, for The Empire, their Great White Hope against Russia and the man that Biden, with typical, sparkling wit, called that “crazy SOB”, Putin.

Vast amounts of dollars were invested in Navalny and all other pop-up groups and parties willing to go on the payroll of The Empire as agents in its clumsy, naive effort— beyond hopeless from, oh, say, the year 2000—to effect “regime change” in Russia.  The many pallets of Franklins that have evaporated in that idiots’ delight exceed the 5 Billion Vickie Nuland funneled into Ukraine to buy it, install her man, and say “fuck the EU”.

As The Empire’s White Knight, his minor flaws—virulent racism—were no problem, though his inability to get elected to anything or build a following was discouraging to his funders at NED and the CIA.  Dead, though, he became for it a magical martyr to the re-invented Evil Empire.  In truth, the man was neither especially good nor bad, and the fact that he was completely ineffectual and virtually unknown in his own country and that his feeble crusade against Putin had no chops, are neither interesting nor damning.

What is mind-boggling is the intensity of the energy being put out by The Empire to make this insignificant, unimportant chap a great moral hero to Americans.  We are told he was the greatest rebel since Spartacus, a Slavic Honest Abe, and the one hope of suffering millions for liberation at last from a regime they have elected for the past 20 years, when the reality is that he was a bland, colorless, gadfly nonentity of no consequence at all.

A second man, Gonzalo Lira, also dead now, is being handled in an absolutely opposite way.  That is, every possible effort is being made by our politburo and its media whores to see to it that you never hear of him at all.  Lira, you see, while not a man of any great influence, was a truth-telling, free-lance reporter who, living in Ukraine, did not embrace The Empire’s narrative which is pure bullshit and has been from long before the Maidan debacle.

His open podcasts regarding what he saw and knew were made only with intent to inform, breaking through the seamless stream of macho happy talk and delusional official pep talks to puncture the propaganda bubble at every point he touched it, to lay out what was really happening on the ground.  He was where it was all going down, experiencing the sad reality of America’s proxy war and, unfailingly fair in his analyses, he pulled no punches.

In so doing, he drew fire from Zelensky’s muscle and got a tour of their holding pen with a bit of roughing on top.  They let him out, warning that any further provocation and he’d be iced for good.  Foolishly, he made this all known online and then made a break for the border where he was caught and disappeared.



That was six or eight months ago, during which no word of him got out.  He was an American citizen but our Embassy, appealed to by many sources, stonewalled and did nothing.  He died inside about a week ago, of pneumonia, it was said.  In the enormous outpouring of rage and grief Navalny’s death required to make him an American hero, Lira’s end didn’t make the papers.

The third man, alive in spite of The Empire is, without any close rival, the greatest journalist in this world since Tom Paine.  Julian Assange, besides being everything the American press is not—a journalist who goes after truth no matter whose ox is gored, or what the cost to himself—is a monumental hero.

Founder of Wikileaks, he was first targeted by The Empire for release of the notorious “Collateral Murder” video, made by an America helicopter as it strafed and killed unarmed Iraqi civilians and children and two Reuters journalists while the pilot joked on audio about his murders.  This one video—though he released much more on American barbarity in Iraq— did more to sicken the world at U.S. brutality and atrocity, than any other piece of information in the entire course of that hideous, criminal war.

The Empire went after Assange, determined to destroy him, with Sweden and the U.K. colluding, and drove him to seek asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy, facing a list of conjured-up, bogus charges.  Treachery helped the CIA video him and allowed his kidnapping and jailing by the supine, sick twits who run England, who have held him in solitary five years, uncharged.  The Empire is now conspiring with medieval, bewigged, profoundly corrupt English judges to extradite him in order to kill him in America.

As Navalny is deified, Lira’s name won’t be mentioned, and all you will hear from the slut media about Assange is how terrible he is for exposing the vicious depravity of your own evil country.

Presentation is everything in The Empire now.

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Paul Edwards

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Merkava tank

IOF soldiers milling around Merkava tanks, until recently thought to be invulnerable to most forms of attack. Hamas has changed that perception forever by destroying scores of these beasts, using, in many cases, homemade light weapons. (TGP screenshot)

Unlike the Laws of Gravity and Thermodynamics, the Law of Unintended Consequences has never been formally defined. That  said, everybody has a pretty solid notion of it.  It might be loosely stated like this: Any action is certain to have results not foreseen, that may be contrary to, or mitigating of, your intent.

You’d think—after thousands of years of nations taking dramatic actions and being roughly used, overthrown, dismantled, even destroyed—that countries would have become exceedingly wary of indulging in precipitous actions subject to serious blowback.

Well, you’d be wrong.  They continue to do it.  They never learn.  The ugly history of colonialism is one long narrative of complete and devastating reversals after a brief orgy of piracy and rapine that drove most of Europe—England, France, Holland—home, tails gripped between legs, and soundly beaten up in leaving.

Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan are later examples.  Borne on the hot winds of furious rhetoric emitted by high-octane maniacs, they decided to make war on nations many times as populous, rich, and industrially powerful as themselves, blithely ignoring the likelihood that they’d be pulverized and incinerated in doing so.

The Nazis learned their lesson too late—or did they? 

The Nazis didn't learn the lesson, and neither did the collective West. Overt fascism is now popular in so called "liberal democracies".

Then there was Vietnam.  America decided that if it had elections, Communism would take over Asia.  The Vietnamese hated their native ruling class that enslaved and starved them, but that didn’t occur to our grandees, so we ran a long, brutal, stupid massacre that got us humiliated, whipped, and run out.

The flops and failures of the ludicrous “War on Terror” in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria were really blatant profiteering exercises for the War Machine—among whose victims American taxpayer were one.  In each case national humiliation was bought by a bonanza for the Merchants of Death that own our country. 

When the Law of Unintended Consequences so indisputably prevails, how is it nations operate as if it didn’t?  Consider The Empire’s cynical idiocy in Ukraine.  This bit of dirty pool is also a huge money-maker for the War Machine, with the American people the big loser, as money that should have been used for their needs is burgled to enrich that obscenity that sucks their wholly-owned government dry.  This con was sold as stopping Putin! and Russia! from again, as in the 50s, taking over the world by attacking our 800 military bases in a hundred plus countries.

One by-product, aside from hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian peasant boys, is the great wave of hatred for America that is billowing all around the world, except in debased, lackey Europe which, against all evidence, still thinks it matters.

So, I guess it should be no surprise that Zionist, Nazi Israel launched a self-declared genocidal assault on the Palestinians of Gaza.  Having stolen their land in 1948, and abused them as detested, despised prisoners for decades, they found, on October 7th, that their relentless, remorseless cruelty had not crushed out their victims humanity, and they were stunned.  

The attack they suffered was not terribly damaging but it was an insult of the highest order to that theocratic, apartheid state.  Their response was raw fury.  It was to mortally punish the entire people of Gaza.  This reaction is not unusual when a dominant power is shamed and insulted.  It is what The Empire did after the Towers went down.  It waged open-ended war on the whole of Islamic civilization.  We continue to live in the disastrous after effects of that decision, and will, for the forseeable future. (1)

"Israel meant to destroy Hamas and Gaza and it has failed.  It may yet get the war with Iran it has sought, or a far larger, deadlier one.  What is certain, though, is a consequence which, of all those possible, it would least have wanted.  Its barbarity has caused an enormous rise in hatred of Jews around the world..."

Israel swiftly set out to obliterate Gaza and the Gazans in it, and they have wreaked enormous human destruction in addition to destroying the means of survival for those not blown up.  It has not, however, been what some Neo-Con idiot said Iraq would be: “a cakewalk”.   It has been a hard slog, bloody fighting, with the Israeli Wehrmacht hard hit by Hamas fighters, much harder to kill than the mothers and babies that are their favored targets.

IOF tank hit by a homemade Hamas Yassin rocket. (TGP Screenshot)

Gaza's rubble is now Hamas' advantage.

Hamas fighter stalking an Israeli tank in Northern Gaza. The Palestinian resistance is far from eliminated.

So, acting on impulse, claiming “self-defense”, asserting that condemning its horrific assault is “Anti-Semitism”—meaning just Anti-Jew bias, since Palestinians are Semites—Israel unleashed its self-touted, unrestricted, unlimited program of Palestinian annihilation.  It has gone on, with all the world watching, for four months with the civilian death toll at 30,000 [not counting those still buried under rubble].  The International Court of Justice has ruled against it and required it to cease what may legally, technically be termed genocidal violence.

Israel meant to destroy Hamas and Gaza and it has failed.  It may yet get the war with Iran it has sought, or a far larger, deadlier one.  What is certain, though, is a consequence which, of all those possible, it would least have wanted.  Its barbarity has caused an enormous rise in hatred of Jews around the world.

Most of humanity knows nothing of Zionism, and nothing of the bloody origin and criminal history of that fierce, brutal, militant state.  It knows only that Israel is a “Jewish homeland”, and what it does is done by Jews.  In endlessly playing the Holocaust Card, Zionists have persuaded the world that its racist, apartheid, military state represents all Jews worldwide.  That it does not, and that colonial Zionism does not have the allegiance or loyalty of world Jewry is a subtlety the world cannot and will not parse.  It has watched Israel commit mass murder and blames Jews.

In its ferocious, apocalyptic, inhuman assault on Palestinians, the Zionist monsters have created the greatest, most widespread wave of anti-Jewish hatred in history.   The nonexistent “Anti-Semitism” Israel hid behind will now be made real in a tsunami of outraged prejudice that will devastate that ugly, racist asylum.


(1) Many people in America and around the globe continue to believe "9/11" was a self-inflicted wound, a provocation executed by the highest tiers of US power, to justify the imperial wars that followed in the Middle East and Central Asia, zones of vital strategic interest to the US empire. (Ed.)

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