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Paul Edwards

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The phrase “once in a blue moon” describes an event that occurs despite overwhelming, near impossible odds against it.  In the gross absurdities termed democracies of The Empire and its Euro punks and whores, no person can run for office who has not sworn abject fealty to the shibboleths of the ruling duopoly.

Our party system is as rigid as the parliamentary pigpen of the Brits.  If you wish to make your fortune in government, you will jolly well mouth the mantras and frogmarch in lockstep with the Capitalist tyranny that owns the place or you will not be there.

The obscene geriatric sandbox of our hillbilly Congress and the manky club of toffs and twits that serves The City in England, are examples of the utter fraud of electoral politics in which, as any sentient being knows, the great masses are not represented at all and the whole infantile game is rigged for the Capitalist criminals who own those grifting whorehouses.  Governments that do not defend and advance the well-being of their working people have no mandate and should be overthrown and terminated.

The English Establishment’s political charade is, if possible, even more loopy and constipated than American Capitalism’s petting zoo, so it came as a complete shock that a smart, tough, fearless man has won election to it.  George Galloway ranks with the very rare men of unflinching integrity that humanity, in accelerated meltdown, can claim anywhere.  He has made a career for many decades, in spite of all that money and power could do, of fierce, unintimidated, blistering criticism of every sick, evil hustle and vicious ripoff with which the Tory and Labour duopoly have raped the English people.

The dirty cowards ran him out of Parliament some years back with their money, the way Dennis Kucinich was evicted by phony, sold-out Democrats, for being honest.  So he started a talk show, highly successful because it was fearless, that has badgered and bedeviled that asinine clown cluster to which he will now return, bringing his big guns to bear on the pimps and bawds who fear him most.

"England, to its royal chagrin, let Galloway slip in a back door and now they’ve got to deal with him.  Unlike poor Jeremy Corbyn, who was vilified and brutalized by the deceit of the Establishment, George won’t turn the other cheek and meekly kowtow..."

They set their media sluts and junkyard dogs on him already and invaded his victory celebration where he dismantled a couple of tv bottom feeders in interviews the BBC can’t cut and has to eat.  The latest sham issue among supine, whining MPs, is the terrible danger they face from regular British people, who find the hideous massacre of Gazan people by Zionist Nazi Israel to be, well, a hideous massacre, of genocidal intent.  This, while their rulers fully endorse the grisly military murder of a whole people.

He opened his victory victory speech with the words, “Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza”.  And certainly his landslide win is, in part, attributable to his open, courageous stance against Israeli military butchery, but it’s not the whole story.  Many English know Galloway comes out of, and is one of the few inheritors and defenders of, the tradition of politically doing all for the people.  It is a tradition that runs back hundreds of years, whose leaders have been responsible for every gain and advance of the well-being of the English in their history.  This kind of courageous and principled advocacy for ordinary, working men and women has been fought, tooth and nail, with unrelenting ferocity, by Feudal, and then Capitalist, malefactors of great wealth, including those now in power—the shameless pimps Rushi Sunak, Keir Starmer, and their united, on-the-take parties of plunder and larceny.

We, in The Empire, have had a very few of our own warriors for the people, though there are none now, and have not been for ages as our system, as Robinson Jeffers put it, settled “in the mode of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire”.  There was Bryan, Debs, and Norman Thomas, names unknown to ignorant Americans or long forgotten; Sinclair and La Follette, and later King, and RFK, and Wellstone.  They are gone in history, for vicious, anti-social Capitalism has so crushed the life out of the American spirit and replaced it with fear, anxiety and desperation for money as the only security, that the idea of producing a real man like George Galloway, who would, and will, give his all in the fight for reason, sanity, and human decency, is beyond fantastic.

Besides a chiseling, senile sap and War Machine whore President, and his shifty, sleazy, flashing con man opponent who will be our next Chief Embarrassment, we have a whole Congress of Sunaks and Starmers.  There is no trace of principle or integrity among either gang of closet criminals who inhabit our governing asylum.  A man or woman of actual integrity would never be considered, much less allowed, to run for office under this system of tyranny that despises and forbids the championing the people.

England, to its royal chagrin, let Galloway slip in a back door and now they’ve got to deal with him.  Unlike poor Jeremy Corbyn, who was vilified and brutalized by the deceit of the Establishment, George won’t turn the other cheek and meekly kowtow.

Corbyn, of the same breed, dedicated wholly to the people, was attacked, vilified, and smeared, with bald, vicious lies by The Capitalist Establishment.  After resuscitating moribund Labour with the English and a lifetime devoted to truth and justice, Zionist Jews who own the English government—as they do ours—mounted a despicable campaign to destroy him as an “anti-Semite”.  Crucified, he was demoted by the Labour Party whose very existence he had saved from its moral disintegration under Blair & Co.

Galloway’s different, a street fighter, a bare knuckle artist, and if you take him on, put in your mouthpiece and bar steel in your gloves.  And then you’ll lose.  It’a going to be a show.

As an American, I feel elation at his win, but also a deep and distressing melancholy.  Because I can’t forget that there was a time when an American could say he was in it for the people and mean it, and even, occasionally, be elected to try.  Never mind, children.  I know you can’t believe me.  How could you?


Godspeed, dear George. We'll be with you all the way.


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