Reflections in a Dirty Pond: The Phony Left Attacks the Real Left

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The country is in turmoil, the world is in crisis, and people desperately need to know who their real allies and real enemies are in this colossal struggle. Those still watching and listening to the MSM presstitutes or Rachel Maddow and her ilk, not to mention the batch of misleading faux progressive comedians—the Mahers, the Colberts, the Olivers and the rest of the Hollywood celebrities still fawning on Obama, and hawking Hillary Clinton—are fooling themselves and delaying already late remedial action. The facts of the matter which have been transparent for generations, made irrefutably clear in the last 20 years, is that the US and the world are controlled by a criminal system whose front is represented by two parties in the US (the “Duopoly”) which compete to do the bidding for the 0.00001% who owns everything worth owning.

MAIN IMAGE ABOVE: Stephen Colbert, Democratic party supporter emblematic of the “celebrity liberals” carrying the torch for the anti-Russian hysteria sweeping the country.

As is well known, this puny minority owns the media and the professional politicos in power, along with every other major institution of opinion moulding.  Via such overwhelming power, they have succeeded in controlling the American national debate with ghastly results for the human species and the planet that happens to host it.

Their latest project —behind the liberal hysteria caused by the Trump election—which is a disgrace, but NOT the way Democratic propagandists are spelling it out and their followers interpreting it—is to attack the real Left, the handful of remaining truth-tellers, by literally BLACKLISTING them behind false pretexts, and urging prosecution, jailing and so on, for supposedly spreading Russian propaganda! Yea, anyone who denounces imperialist crimes is now automatically defined by the Democrats and their pals in the media as “Russian agents”, “traitors” and so forth. So anyone who says anything about what these criminals are up to, or anyone who does not say the capitalist system is wonderful and the US has the best democracy around, is automatically a dangerous subversive. I must note again for those who refuse to accept this elementary reality that this filthy campaign was initiated and is being spearheaded by the party most liberals still support, the Democrats. 

Our own GREANVILLE POST is among the sites targeted for suppression and persecution. As is Black Agenda Report,  Truthdig, Common Dreams, OpedNews, SOTT,,, The Saker, and so on. Many of these sites and editors have been denouncing the American imperialist crimes and the mess the US ruling class has made at home for generations, way before there was a Putin in the Kremlin. People like myself go back to our opposition to the Vietnam War, one of the great crimes of the 20th century—still wholly unpunished, as far as the US elites who plotted and implemented it are concerned. Incredibly, Vietnam and Korea have now been matched in heinousness and scope by our hypocritical wars of choice in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and other flashpoints generated by Washington in its march toward global dominance at any cost. And yet these international war crimes against peace and humanity are now being possibly dwarfed by Washington’s literally playing with fire by provoking Russia and China, two top-tier nuclear-armed powers. Isn’t courting a nuclear war for unjustifiable reasons (assuming a nuclear war is ever justified which I doubt), a crime deserving of at least the sternest denunciation, if not trial by a special Nuremberg-type tribunal? Of course, while the obsessive denunciation of Trump and his sins never ceases, the establishment media dominated by warmongering Neocons and liberals, and conveniently fronted by the Democrats, says absolutely nothing about this threat to all life on the planet.

Comedian John Oliver has also joined the Anti-Trump crusade, mixing his barbs with snide semi-factoids, while, again, ignoring the Democratic party crimes and betrayals. Partisan truth is of no help in the current crisis.

It bears repeating that this media mob is huge. As mentioned elsewhere, it includes The Washington Post, NYTimes, Time, Newsweek, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, Daily Beast, Slate, and on and on, literally hundreds if not thousands of media, their lies and half-truths amplified by second-tier propaganda outfits like MoveOn, AVAAZ, Daily Kos, and others too numerous to list here. This crowd is big, for contrary to their self-promulgated description as fragile little damsels threatened by the Big Bad Wolf of Rightwing Media, it is the “liberals” who really control the big fortunes and the big megaphone and almost always have. The confusion arises because in the US public policy has always been a resultant of two almost identical and overlapping ideological forces in terms of service to the property class, service to capital, the ultra right and the center right (liberals). Indeed the US is a nation that—in practice—and despite incessant claims to the contrary, has rarely had anything approaching a real oppositional party, which would mean a party representing the 99%. As has been irrefutably documented by non-radical academics, the US is simply a plutocratic republic in which the people really have no representation.


The time to stop behaving like complacent liberals is over. The world is dying for lack of truth but the greedy sociopaths at the top of the privilege pyramid are now trying to regain absolute control of the “news flows” reaching the benighted publics of the Western world, starting with the key component in their edifice of lies and interventionist policies, the normally brainwashed American masses. Apparently some Americans—having somehow broken out of the Bubble— are no longer buying what the mainstream whores are selling, and a growing share are—heresy!— even listening to independent left voices or “enemy channels”, such as or PressTV. This exercise in freedom and free speech has thrown the ruling circles into a hissy fit, and promptly elicited cries of alarm about ‘FAKE NEWS’, an accusation all the more grotesque when we consider that the main FAKE NEWS disseminators have been all along the corporate media and the warmongering establishment they shill for. In case you forget: this has been going on for as long as anyone can remember.

So, get real and get your heads screwed on right for once, and support free speech or the game is over, not just for the few already targeted for elimination, but for all of you, eventually.

The Greanville Post and its sister sites have literally hundreds if not thousands of articles capable of educating anyone about the crisis we face. Time to invest a bit of time in learning what this terrible period is all about, whence it came, and what can be done about it. But first, do learn who your real enemies are, and who your real allies are in this struggle. You WON’T learn anything resembling the kind of truth you need to clear the scales from your eyes by watching pseudo leftists like Bill Maher, an arrogant idiot who has supported Obama and later Hillary to the tune of millions out of his own pocket, not to mention offer free propaganda on his HBO show. Ditto Amy Schumer, and so on. Whatever their intent, Hollywood liberals are useless when it comes to seriously analyzing any situation, because one of their main traits is intellectual laziness.  As far as these rich and ultra busy folks are concerned, serious study is not an option. They are dilettantes by definition. Lightweights and reformers in a game that requires committed thinkers, activists and radicals. For such breed, it is always easier to skate on the surface, and follow the Lesser Evil scam and its attendant propaganda machinery, rather than do the requisite heavy lifting.

True to form, the liberals are now monomaniacally focused on Trump and his threat—real and imagined—refusing to see the real and present evil in their own defeated “Champion”—Hillary—a confirmed and repugnant War Criminal and as much a Wall Street whore as any one could find. I’m using the word CONFIRMED here. Were she in the White House, what she would do to rein in Wall Street is in practice indistinguishable from what Trump would do, except that if Trump does it, it will be energetically protested, which is salutary, for the people and for him, too, whereas if done by Clinton and her pals, it would likely get a big yawn from her allies in the media establishment and even unions.

In this context, in which the most urgent and basic, like class politics, is brushed aside while the peripheral is elevated to life and death significance, the barrage of jokes and insults issuing from Maher, Colbert, Oliver and other mainstream comics aimed at Trump, as is all the invective flowing from the likes of Maddow and the rest of the Democratic-party stable at MSNBC, again, without ever analyzing or denouncing the enormous crimes committed by their darling Obama and the Democrats, is fully consistent with the sort of high-handed manipulation that has landed us in the horrid situation we face.

Colbert pledging alliance to the system that made him rich and its (temporary) commander in chief.

Stephen Colbert —getting millions to fill the seat of the departed apolitical Carson—is now a remote shadow of his former, more radical self. Disgraceful, but to be expected, his current tame persona is a good reminder of the power of co-option the corporate system still wields. After all, when people are offered fame and huge fortunes, most of them sell out. Carlin, were he alive, would do and say something quite different, not to mention kick Colbert’s and Any Schumer’s asses, for serving as shills for Hillary and her dreadful impostures. Unfortunately, Carlin is gone and we’re stuck with this professional breed of conformists.

The real left—always a precarious species— has never been more endangered than now, as it faces the phony left and its allies all over the media, plus the organized right, plus the fury of the unified establishment, since the current division of opinion on how to move forward between the Trumpian and Clintonian wings of the ruling class is just a temporary rift.

Soon enough the entire capitalist class will unify to seek a permanent solution to their structural crisis, caused by the irresolvable dynamics of capitalism, the slow awakening of the still confused working class, and the challenges to the continued global hegemony of the USA, which is why the media whores have demonized Pres.Putin and Russia, China, Iran, and other nations resisting the orders of Washington Almighty. It’s not about democracy, it’s not about human rights—about which they could care less—it’s just about the US ruling circles determination to maintain their monopoly of world domination at any cost—an agenda so abject and self-serving, and so lethal to the environment, that it could never be sold even with a modicum of honesty to the public, hence all the cynical euphemisms, slanders and disinformation campaigns to control what enters the public mind.

Media critic and onetime economist Patrice Greanville is The Greanville Post's founding editor. 

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