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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire

THE SOVIET UNION— Environmental Degradation: Some Historical Antecedents
From our archives (revised edition, first published in 1990)— The ecological abuses triggered by the pressure to develop in a hurry were compounded after WW2 by the bureaucratism and careerism that had begun to creep into many operations..." PREFATORY NOTE: ...

Russia and the Return of the Repressed
The Communist Comeback by ISRAEL SHAMIR Communism in Russia: premature obits? Moscow saw its biggest demo in a decade last Saturday. It was a feel-good, peaceful manifestation of youthful Facebook users, and it was already nicknamed the Likes Parade, as the ...

What Really Happened in the Russian Elections
A Punch in the Face for the Capitalist Way By ISRAEL SHAMIR Moscow is unusually warm: the temperature refuses to dip below zero degrees Centigrade, the freezing point. Instead, it is wet and dark. The sun gets up late and ...

Russia Bashing
By Stephen LendmanPointing the finger hypocritically and with total impunity at other nations' election processes is made possible by the totalitarian and pervasive power of American media. In all critical topics for the health and survival of the nation and ...

AND NATO’S CHAINS OF PROGRESS By Gaither Stewart (ROME-BELGRADE) NATO seems to find Serbia’s autonomy outrageous, its semi-neutrality unacceptable, its modernity anomalous and above all its path to progress dangerous. For North Atlantic Treaty planners and schemers, Serbia—maverick, outsider, rebel—is ...
1 comment
If Vladimir Putin is described as a war criminal, thug, dictator, and modern-day Hitler, it is appropriate and indeed necessary to ask about American presidents. For brevity’s sake consider only those American presidents who served since 2001. U.S. invasions and interventions in western Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Horn of Africa have displaced more than 37 million people since the “war on terror” began. Why shouldn’t George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden be called war criminals too? Silence in the face of their criminality gives license and approval to U.S. aggression.